Helping you understand how
technology makes your life easier.

As a technology contributor to nationally syndicated television shows including “Good Morning America”, a spokesperson for brands on satellite media tours across the U.S., and a tech journalist for local & national radio and print outlets, Stephanie is the perfect person to present the latest technology news to your audience on any broadcast, digital, or print platform.

“Don’t Let Your Digital Footprint Kick You in the Butt!” is an excellent companion resource to Stephanie’s signature seminar ‘Til Death Do You Tweet, but also stands on its own as a source of pertinent and relevant information for anyone who wants to build a strong personal brand online. Bulk discounts are available for schools, student groups, and professional organizations. You can also get Stephanie’s free e-book by signing up today!

“Stephanie is one of our most reliable contributors. She presents so many great ideas each week that it’s hard for us to choose which topic she’ll cover! On the air, she’s fantastic. Stephanie takes what can be a complicated topic and relates it to our viewers, keeping families informed about the latest in the “tech world,” ultimately making our complicated lives a little easier, and safer.”
Sheinelle Jones
Former Fox 29 Morning Anchor
Current Host for ‘The Today Show’
“I have personal and professional questions about everything from Twitter hash tags to Facebook friend limitations, and a million questions about apps and devices and the one person who has all the answers seven days away is my Tech-life expert Stephanie Humphrey! She is amazing!”
E. Steven Collins
Director of Urban Marketing & External Relations, 100.3 WRNB-FM

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