
Stephanie's First Book
“Don’t Let Your Digital Footprint Kick You in the Butt!” is Stephanie’s first book. Designed as a companion resource to her signature seminar ‘Til Death Do You Tweet, but relevant for anyone looking to build a personal brand by better understanding their online behavior. The second edition is out now with a foreword by marketing professor Dr. Monique Bell and a Bonus Section titled “So You Wanna Be an Influencer??” for anyone who is considering a career as a content creator – read this book first! Get bulk discounts for your classroom or student conference! If you’re a parent, you can get the book and then register for Stephanie’s online course to help you have healthy productive conversations with your kids about social media. Make sure you sign up here on the website to be the first to get the latest social media news and updates coming soon!
Learn to Be Better Digital Citizens
If you’re a parent, you can register for Stephanie’s online course to help you have healthy and productive conversations with your kids about social media. This easy-to-follow video course provides everything you need to feel equipped to talk openly with your children to help them understand the dangers but also the benefits of their digital footprint. Watch real-world examples, complete simple exercises to reinforce the messaging, and get valuable resources to help you help your kids become better digital citizens!

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Sign up here to stay up-to-date on all things TechLifeSteph! Get tech tips, watch cool tech content, and be first on the list for the new FREE e-book to learn more about internet safety and digital literacy! Coming soon!